Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sledding in the Arctic

People often ask what do you do on a ground tour in the winter.


Just south of the Yukon River on the Dalton Highway there is a great spot to burn off a little energy.

We provide the sleds if you provide the energy!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Denali on New Years Day!

What a great day to travel in Alaska's Arctic.
Daylight is beginning to return by a few minutes each day and the weather is cooperating for clear skies for some great flights to Denali.

Here is a look at the mountain as seen on January 1, 2005 -- One of our guests from Japan said it was good luck to see the sun rise on the mountain.
We had 2 flights go to Denali today, 1 to Beaver, and 1 to Coldfoot. Much to do even in our short winter days.